The June jobs report is proof the Great American Comeback is underway.

The June jobs report is proof the Great American Comeback is underway.

June’s 4.8 MILLION job addition was the largest one-month job gain in U.S. history, shattering last month’s record. The past two months, 7.5 MILLION jobs have been added.

The June Jobs report smashed a whole host of other records too:

  • The largest one-month women’s job gain in history (+2.8 MILLION)
  • The largest one-month decline in unemployed workers (-3.2 MILLION)
  • The largest one-month drop in the unemployment rate (-2.2%)

And the great news continues:

  • 356,000 manufacturing jobs added in June
  • 158,000 construction jobs added in June

This rising economic tide is lifting all boats. 404,000 jobs were added for black Americans in June and 1.47 million jobs were added for Hispanic Americans.

Despite objectively good news for millions of Americans, CNN refused to air President Trump’s press conference, preferring to talk about the Mueller Report. Seriously.

Why does CNN not want the American people to know that the Great American Comeback is underway?

Bottom Line: This V-shaped comeback is further evidence that Joe Biden’s agenda of raising taxes and enacting more regulations with his far-left Green New Deal would put the brakes on our country’s recovering economy while destroying millions of American jobs along the way.